Sunday, February 20, 2011

Valentine's Day Craftiness

This Valentine's day I think I kind of over extended myself.  After throwing Noah's birthday party on Sunday, I had to help do a craft at my mops group on Monday and then in the afternoon I went to Jack's kindergarten class and did a craft for the Valentine's day party.  I was up late the night before figuring out what to make, I was actually at a loss until about 10pm.  I had planned on making some robots and decorating them with candy (from the family fun website) but I really didn't like that one, would much rather do something without candy.  The other hurdle was to figure out something that the boys would like, afterall, Valentine's day is kinda girly...all that pink and red.  So, finally I landed on these.

When it comes to crafts, girls can be satisfied with something fun to look at, but boys really want to USE it.  It needs to do something or it's no good.  I was honestly a little surprised at how well these heart shaped glitter glasses went over!  It was such a hit, everyone in the class was wearing them.  It was so much fun!  And his teacher was snapping pictures of them all.  They all wore them home and Jack even wore his to the grocery store later on!  Anyway, it was really simple. 

All you need is:
1 piece of cardstock 3"x6.5"
2 pipe cleaners about 5" long
glitter and glue if you have them, or whatever you want to decorate them with

Just fold the cardstock in half.  Then fold each side in half again and starting at the center side cut out 1/2 of a heart.  Then cut around the outside of that heart to make the outer shape.  Unfold and punch two holes, one in each side where you can then stuff the pipe cleaner through for the earpieces.  Decorate them however you want and when you're ready to put them on just form the pipe cleaners around the child's ears.  I guess you could make these in any shape too! 

The other fun thing I did this Valentine's day was these valentine's cards for the boys to take to school.  If you know my kids at all, you know that they are obsessed with Star Wars.  I looked all lover the web for Star Wars printable valentines but couldn't find them at all.  Finally I realized that valentine's are just a picture with some words anyway so I just imported some cute pictures and wrote on them.  This is what I ended up with.  If you want them you can just right click and save them!

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