Saturday, July 11, 2009

Finally, a post for this summer!

Ok, so we've been here for almost 6 weeks now...and I'm finally getting around to posting on our blog:) So far, we've had an adventurous summer. We had our last outreach today and invited people in the community to rock climb for free. It's so fun to be able to offer something like this to people that they can't do on their own. It's been a fun summer and I've been able to participate in almost everything. I was only about 4 1/2 mos. along when we went backpacking, still big enough around that I had to improvise and wear some of Mark's pants part of the time. They don't really sell outdoor maternity clothing anywhere that I know of. The backpack was ok, it just sat low around my wide waist.


  1. You are so awesome, I don't think I would even attept to backpack pregnant.

  2. Ha! The funny thing is that there was a woman on the trip who was actually 7 months pregnant...she definatly put me to shame!:)


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