Monday, November 23, 2009

Baby Boy is here!

On Saturday we got to finally meet our new bundle of joy! Jasper Mark Lovejoy was born at 7:43am after 5 hours of labor. He was 20 inches long and 7lbs. 14oz. The hard part this time was going into labor at 2:45am. With both the other boys I went into labor at 5 am. after a full night's rest. It really made a difference, but once these things get started there's no going back...! It's amazing how different three boys can be. First there was Jack who was super tiny when he was born (6lbs.2 oz.) and you could just see his personality from day one. I'll put a picture up of him at 6 days and you can see what I mean. Then there was Noah who came two weeks early weighing in at 8lbs. and suprising us with his red hair. He's just been a cuddler and such a sweet second child (with some feistiness of his own of course). Even his interests are different, he's the one who loves stuffed animals and all kinds of construction trucks and vehicles while Jack loves to play combat (especially Star Wars). So, along comes Jasper...with his thick brown hair, rounding out the rainbow for us I suppose (I couldn't help but post this picture of my ridiculous monkey hat that I made for the hospital:). All along while I was pregnant with him I wondered at how much he moved around. Some nights I would get a little motion sick by all the kind of had me a little worried! So, forgive me if this is too graphic, but when he was being born, his head popped out and when my midwife stuck her finger in his mouth to sweep it, he BIT her and wouldn't let go! She gave a yelp of surprise and Mark laughed! Hm...not sure what to think of this yet.
But, nonetheless, he's a great baby so far. He loves to eat and of course sleep all day and scream all night. Ok, he's only had two nights to do that but still, that feels like an eternity for someone who is still catching up on sleep from three nights ago and is sore from using muscles that weren't in use for 9 months! People ask who this little guy looks like and it's hard to answer, so I figure I'll post pictures of all three so you can decide for yourself!
Here is Jasper, all that hair!!

Here is Noah, who has just been kind of thick from the get go.

This is Jack at 6 days old. No, we didn't pose him this mom and dad say that he looks like he just hiked to the top of a mountain and laid down to take a snooze.


  1. soooo cute! i LOVE the hat! It's hard to tell who he looks like. He looks like both boys in different ways!

  2. I love the pic of Jack!!! Reid used to do that with his arms all the time. If we looked back at him in his car seat and he had his arms up like that we knew he was about to fall asleep. So fun to see Jack doing the same thing!
    Jasper is adorable and I love the name!

  3. Congratulations Alicia! He is beautiful. Life at your house will be a blast with 3 little guys! God bless!

  4. Wow! He is a beautiful baby. Congrats you guys! I thought in the first picture he looked a lot like Jack but then you see all of his dark hair and it changes everything. What a beautiful family! Hopefully one of these days ours girls will have to meet your boys- Happy Holidays!

  5. What a great trip down memory lane for all of us. It seems just like yesterday that we were watching Jack come into the world!!
    What a blessing all these 3 boys are to you and Mark. I can hardly wait to join you in the motherhood club. Love you guys.

  6. Ahh!!! Love him! :) Can't wait to meet him!! :)


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