Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Fight

Jack got in a fight the other day.....

With this.....

The jury's still out on who won...since he got pretty bunged up and actually pinned to the garage floor...I'm thinking victory belongs to the toolbox since it's pretty much unscathed.  Just a word of warning in case you have one of these in your own garage, if you pull all the drawers out at once and there are lots of tools inside, it will tip over (it has no regard for human life). 

That's the scariest thing we've faced so far...that is besides Noah getting trapped in the garage for a few minutes the day after the whole fight with the toolchest thing happened.  He just disappeared and we couldn't find him (you know that heart in your throat feeling of panic!) and I finally heard his little voice calling out from behind the closed garage door.  Mark just didn't realize that he was in there and he closed it.  Oops!  So, go ahead and call us to watch your kids, I promise we're not TOTALLY irresponsible parents...


  1. Doug did the exact same thing when he was a little boy....and the tool box won :) I'm glad Jack is okay!

  2. We have one of those things - thanks for the warning! That's bad!

  3. I "lost" Evelynn in the garage a few years ago!! She was about 2. One second she was in the house, the next, GONE! I had NO IDEA where she went, until I heard a little voice in the garage. Scariest few minutes of my life looking for her!
    Good warning on the tool chest - we have one too!


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