Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  We enjoyed a wonderful smoked turkey courtesy of our fabulous friends.  We also had one of our students over who had no place to go.  That's one of the best things about Thanksgiving, spending it with friends, and actually just seeing who ends up showing up!  Our little house fills up quickly I have to admit, and we run out of counter space easily.  But, that makes it all the more cozy!  This year it was super cold out.  All last week we've been building up to a super big storm, actually they were calling it a blizzard on the news so when Tuesday night came we were all braced for the storm of the century.  Anyone who has lived here for more than just a year should know that whenever there is that much hype...nothing usually happens.  Tuesday night 'Snowpocalypse 2010' hit us with very disappointing results.  Ok, we do have a few inches of snow to show for it but really, we were looking forward to 4' snow drifts, power outages and the whole nine yards...Bummer!  All we have left is some frozen snow and super cold temperatures.  Oh well.  It makes for great powder - Mark is out skiing today - so that's one bonus I suppose!  I think we'll take the kids skiing tomorrow for the first time this season.

Anyway,  back to Thanksgiving.  A few years ago my parents had a bunch of wild turkeys (like a dozen or so) perched up in their hawthorn tree right outside their front window.  How strange is that?  They're not small birds and to see a small tree FULL of them was quite a site!  Anyway, my dad couldn't pass up the chance to shoot one.  So, a little while later I ended up with a bag full of fabulous turkey feathers!  I had no idea what to do with them....still don't really.  But, I had to hang onto them because they're just spectacular!  Finally this year they've finally made their way out of the craft room.  Jack made an indian headress out of some and took it to school.  Everyone else had to wear their headresses they made at school with one colored feather on a little paper strip, but he got to wear his very own, genuine turkey feather headress - and boy was he proud of it!  He's been painting his face with washable markers and he finally pinned down Noah and painted his face too.  He has made headresses for each member of the family.  And the most fun of all was taking a few feathers to his teacher at school!  He got to stand up in front of the class and show off the cool feathers and then present his teacher with her own collection to keep.  He's one proud boy:)

Well, on the homefront the feathers graced our Thanksgiving table as a centerpiece this year - a turkey feather bouquet actually.  I thought it made a unique and fun, whimsical table for us to eat at.  Each place setting was also marked by it's own smaller feather.  I think next year I'll make a wreath or something out of these.  They're just so beautiful!

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