Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby Bug!

We've celebrated two birthdays this month at our house.  November has turned into quite a busy month for us!  My birthday is the first week and then we have Jasper's on the 21st then Thanksgiving.  I can't believe he's already 1!  This year has gone by so quickly.  I know everyone always says that, but it's true!  And it's also true that the older you get the quicker time flies. 

Instead of adding to our already over populated toy collection (and really, what 1 year old cares about new toys anyway?:)  I decided to referbish our old grimy carseat since he has officially graduated from his infant seat.  We've had this seat since Jack was 1, it still has some life left before it has to head to the dump (carseats expire!  Can you believe it? Ugh.  What a racket!).  So, instead of putting up with that barf encrusted seat cover for the next few years I wanted to give it a nice little facelift.  Let's face it, the third boy doesn't get many new luxuries. 

This project was not for the faint of heart.  It began by disassembling the existing cover with my dandy seam ripper.  There's something so satisfying about taking that little knife to a seam and just ripping away!  I took off all the existing binding etc. and turned it into four separate pieces.  Then I washed the pieces in the washer to get the years of barf build up and snacks off, then dried it by the fire all night.  At this point, Mark looked at me sideways, wondering if we would be able to leave the house for the next week. 

Next morning I headed out in search of fabric (coupons in hand of course!).  I found this fun owl print at the local quilt shop and the minky at Joanns.  I washed it all when I got home.  Then I just layed my old padding on the fabric and cut around it (I'm a lazy seamstress).  I then serged the new fabric to the outside of each of the old pieces.  For the center I just cut slits and then zig zagged the edges to make buttonholes for the straps.  Then I sewed the pieces back together and bound the whole thing with FOE (my new favorite sewing essential - Fold Over Elastic:).  All I had was yellow so that's what I used....I think it turned out quite nice!  In fact, I'm pretty proud of it.  It fits like a glove and online you can't find these for less than $75.  So there ya go!  A referbished, homemade job...not so bad for homemade huh? 

On his birthday, the poor baby guy had a horrible fever and cold.  He was sad.  So, we celebrated as a family a day late.  The party was complete with elmo hats (that I've actually had since Jack turned 2) and little marionberry hand pies. 

I'm obsessed with pie....I love it.  And particularly hand pies....they're just perfect, a little heaven in your hand.  You can eat them for breakfast or dessert or whatever!  Ever since I got my new Cuisenart last year for my birthday I can't help but make a pie crust once a month at least!  I just love it...and so does he as it turns out. 

Earlier in the day I noticed Jack went missing.  I finally heard him yell "Mom!  How do you spell happy?"  I then discovered him making a birthday card for Jasper, all on his own!  What a precious memory for the scrapbook (that is...if I ever get it to it...).  This little guy has the best big brothers EVER! Not to mention one fine Daddy.  :)

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