Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ministry on the Move

I am just in the middle of getting our latest newsletter out. The way we work it is Mark writes text and then I put the newsletter together and send it out. Usually I'm left feeling like there is so much more to say but I can't fit it all into a one page newsletter! I feel like there is so much going on here that I want to share with people but the newsletter just doesn't provide the space for what God is doing!
I'm sitting across from Emily (one of my co-workers) and she just told me about how many people are coming to our weekly meetings. In the last week there were three new LDS students who came to our Bible study at SLCC, two new LDS students came to a women's Bible study at the UofU and 18 women came to a brand new Bible study starting at Utah State University. Can I just tell you, that is amazing! We see such ebb and flow here with ministry, but over the past 5 years there has been a steady increase in interest toward the gospel. We only occasionally get to see the fruit of our labor when it comes down to numbers. The soil here is hard and the culture often prevents people from turning toward the true gospel of Christ even when they are convinced of the Truth. So, to hear about such an upturn in attendance is incredibly encouraging!
There are also some other ministry things that are happening that I wish I could talk about more openly here. But let me say that God is on the move here! People are taking chances for the gospel and choosing Christ over family and friends, even coming out of lifestyles that leave them with nothing.


  1. Ha!! Look at what happens when we sit down to write prayer letters together....we both end up with new blog posts. :)

  2. Amazing, Alicia! Praise God for his mighty work! :) Amanda B

  3. God always has perfect timing for these things. He is Good!!

  4. This DOES sound exciting! :) Miss you!


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